Shabd Rehabilitation Center

Center Based Program

Every child is unique. Every child is different


Comprehensive and therapeutic services

We offer a wide range of approaches and services to offer individualised learning and one-to-one support to the kids. We are equipped with advanced learning aids and resource rooms to help out a child in learning the concepts easily and retain it for a longer period of time. Our expert teachers don’t let the kids feel about their disabilities, rather invent new ways to teach students. They nurture an award winning curriculum that helps improve the cognitive abilities of students. The group study is motivated at center based programs, so that skills like cooperation and team management get promoted.

Extracurricular activities for overall development

We focus on engaging kids into co-curricular activities for exploring their untapped talent and utilizing their energy completely. We strike a right mix of co-curricular activities that include dance, singing, painting, crafting, sports etc. stimulating a child’s mind, body and soul. However, the choice of pursuing an activity is totally left with the special children as per their interest, passion and talent. Extra curricular activities also help teach practical skills like time management and organizational skills to grow your child in a holistic manner. Co-curricular activities give birth to creative thoughts and keep the spirit alive to enjoy life fully and also gives session of Speech Therapy

playing with clay

Join centre based program

Shabdrehab centre based programs help groom the personality of special children physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.

Social skills

We let the kid understand the importance of connecting to others and building networks. We promote group activities, so that children interact with each other and build relations for lifetime.

Team works make the dreams work

Social skills teach you to get along with others cordially
Join us today

Self Understanding

Our special team inculcates self confidence within children and explains to them that they are wonderful gifts of God with full of imagination and inventiveness. We don’t let them give up any cost.

Knowing yourself - the beginning of all wisdom

The understanding of inner - self holds the better meaning of life.

Stress relief

Our team promotes ‘learning by playing’, and does not put unnecessary pressure on kids. We define curriculum based on the capabilities of children and allow them to study as per their pace.

Give wings to stress and let it fly

Stress management stimulates better learning and peace of mind

Better Academics

Our academics programmes are more than just good grades. We help increase self - confidence, communication skills and cognition power of students to maintain a sustainable learning environment.

Replacing empty mind with an open one

Maximum development of your intellectual capacities in service to humanity.