Shabd Rehabilitation Center

School Based Program

Support progressive education

The ultimate goal of our school based programs is to create healthy environments of learning for differently abled children by partnering with schools. Our team develops prevention and intervention strategies which help promote academics and contribute towards life success for all of the students. School-based programs identify the early signs of problematic behavior and assist parents and school personnel in developing comprehensive strategies for addressing these behaviors. We develop simple teaching aids and introduce interactive teaching methods to help students gain confidence within themselves.

Preparing students for life

Our school based programs are not just limited to academic progress, but we prepare students for life. Our approach is designed to address three arenas of life – knowledge, attitude and skills. Our practical sessions teach students about real life situations and impart pragmatic ways to tackle them with a stable mind. Instead focusing on weaknesses of special children, we make the children realise their potential and sharpen them to help children win worldly affairs. Life skills education is the remedial measure to eradicate problems related to communication, academic backwardness, emotional and behavioral problems.

Join centre based program

Shabdrehab centre based programs help groom the personality of special children physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.

Interpersonal skills

School based programs help build positive relations with the people around. It helps inculcate mental and social well-being of kids to build a better community. It also enhances verbal and non - verbal communication.

Bring oxygen to life, improve communication

Improve ability to socialize with effective interactive skills
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Comprehensive learning

This program is implemented into school settings that aims at increasing children's academic success and grooming overall personality by enhancing motor skills, language formation and attention span.

Manifestation of perfection with education

Contribute to social stability and drive long-term economic growth.
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Critical thinking

School based programs prepare students to constructively deal with the practical problems of life. It also helps people to understand the perspective of others and make them open-minded towards different views.

Give factual orientation to your ideas

Develop strong and persuasive arguments based on logic and evidence
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Creative potential

We engage children in fun interactions and support their freedom of thoughts to help them develop creative abilities. We let them paint the canvas of ideas and reflect on the things that hold their interest.

Stretch your mind to do interesting things

Immerse in imagination, yet remain grounded in reality
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