Shabd Rehabilitation Center

Rehab Services

We work with people of all ages to help them participate in their daily activities
improving their quality of life and overall wellbeing.

Special Education

We adapt teaching procedures, accessible settings, equipment & materials to address individual differences and needs.

Psychological assessment

Our team evaluates thinking, learning and behavior of children through interviews and observation to better curate their treatment plans.

child disability

We handle differently abled children with kindness and quality care. We opt for a friendly approach that helps them gain confidence.

Cerebral palsy and developmental

We offer effective exercise programmes and specific interventional strategies to improve lack of muscular imbalance, tremors and fine motor functions.

Autism & Learning Disability

Our team of specialists help improve social skills, communication and behavior to show good progress in their communication and behavioral issues.

Readiness to school program

We enhance kids’ ability to pay attention in the classroom, interact with peers, follow instructions and combat fear of attending a school.

Intellectual impairment and ADHD

We offer effective therapy to overcome mental barriers. Our treatment helps gain independent living skills and self-confidence at school.

Injury (post surgical care and management

It helps prevent complications such as promotion of healing of the surgical incision, infection, and return the patient to a healthy state of body.

Early Intervention

We foster a whole set of personal strength to improve children’s analytical skills, prepare a child for adult life and handle critical situations tactfully.

Stroke Care

Our health experts try to dissolve dangerous clots in blood vessels, improve blood flow and suggest exercises to improve control of the muscles.

Adaptive Devices & Orthosis

They manage the individuals suffering from spinal cord injury and overcome underlying disorders across physical and psychosocial functions.


With regular exercises and suggesting a healthy diet, we help improve balance, strengthen muscles and joints and improve overall longevity.


We offer training programs which focus on the skills required to perform a specific job, trade or craft creating employment avenues for the future.

Prosthetic and

Prosthetics involves use of artificial limbs to enhance lifestyle of people with lost limbs, while orthotics is concerned with the design, manufacture and application of braces.

Dementia care

Our health practitioners manage behaviour and sleep problems of patients. They also help with memory loss and make the person active and agile.

Stress Management

We trigger the relaxation response by suggesting time-management skills, relaxation techniques, counseling and exercises.

Clinical Psychologist

Our team assesses and treats mental illness and psychiatric problems of people through regular therapy sessions. They keep records of regular therapy sessions.

Occupational Therapy Specialists

We provide practical support to help overcome barriers caused by ageing, illness or accidents and empower them to carry out daily tasks with confidence.
Our speech-language therapy sessions address challenges with communication problems improving a child’s speech and abilities to understand and express.


Physiotherapy assists people to restore and maintain muscle strength. It increases freedom of mobility and avoids exercise-related injuries.